Joseph Hallenbeck
November 19, 2013

Building Pecunia - Introduction

Filed under: Software Development

What is Pecunia?

I have been keeping my own personal accounts for some time in a progressively growing spreadsheet that after one decade of use, multiple files, and dozens of worksheets. The entire thing is quite a mess. My solution? Build an app for it! Pecunia will be a simple budgeting application designed from the ground up for keeping track of monthly budgets, annual budgets, and keeping a ledger of individual expenses. With a little bit of work, I should be able to turn it into a multi-user application to launch as an extension on for public use as well as an open source repository on Bitbucket.

This also gives me an excuse for a long series of posts going through the steps necessary to take a spread sheet, abstract it’s logic into models, and implement it’s functionality into a useful application.


Pecunia will be built using the following resources:

  • PHP 5.4
  • Apache 2.2
  • MySQL 5.5
  • Silex
  • Laraval 4

Update: January 22, 2014

After some consideration, I am opting away from Silex towards using Laraval 4. It is not that I have suddenly found a dislike for Silex, rather I love working with it, but that I would like to try my hands at the “latest and greatest” to see what the big deal is about and to add another tool to my retinue.

"Building Pecunia - Introduction" by Joseph Hallenbeck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.