Joseph Hallenbeck
May 29, 2021

New in the Garden
May 2021

Filed under: Journal

Continued work in the Digital Garden during the last two quarters, although, I fell far behind on pushing updates to the public repository.

Styling and References
Worked on improving the template styling for links, code samples, and inline references.
Added new recipes for Shredded Chicken Poblano Soup and a section for recipes that I want to try.
Japanese Resources
Added a note covering resources for learning Japanaese including tools that I’ve been using, links to other sites covering learning techniques, textbooks, and podcasts.
Begining to dive through the vast resource that is the MDN to try to “catch up” on developments in front-end web. My career has gradually drifted more back-end centric and there’s been new developments in terms of the flex and grid layout systems.
Along with CSS in my MDN dive, I’m diving through changes to Javascript. Including that we are no longer constrained to var and can now use let and const. Additional notes on how Promise, async, await work. Researching the fetch API. Working on getting both side and work projects away from jQuery and into vanilla javascript before moving into the newer frameworks.
Javascript Front-End Frameworks
Breakdown of the major frameworks out there and their architectural ideaologies.
Unit Testing
Extensive updates to my notes on Unit Testing to cover the different shapes and kinds of unit tests that can be applied to a problem.
Code Reviews
Researching into the question of what are good and bad code reviews.
Vim Grimoire
Added notes in the grimoirie for marks and registers.
Brag Sheet
Breaking down an idea proposed by Julia Evans for creating a formal document of your accomplishments throughout the work year.
Small Web
A summarization of the ideas behind the proponents of the “small web” initiative.
Debug Nvidia POP OS
Because my Nvidia card doesn’t work with newer kernals and POP OS keeps trying to update me and kill my gaming fun time.
The Heart Sutra
One of my annual goals this year is to familiarize myself with the major sutras referenced in Zen Bhuddism. The first up is a dive through various dharma books and readings on The Heart Sutra.
Travel Flightlists
Added checklists for backpacking, weekend travel, and world travel.
Currently Reading
Still keeping my currently reading list up-to-date with books, films, games, and the endless deluge of online articles.
"New in the Garden
May 2021"
by Joseph Hallenbeck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.