Joseph Hallenbeck

I decided to spend the last couple of weeks introducing myself to some of the big MVC Javascript Frameworks that have gotten so much traction over the last couple of years. I sadly, have found the field littered with frameworks that happily violate the principle of Unobtrusive Javascript and am wondering – is there any solid MVC Javascript Framework that is clean and unobtrusive, will I need to keep rolling my own, or am I just a Luddite?

Unobtrusive Javascript

Now first, I must admit that I feel as though I am a technological Luddite when it comes to the rise of Javascript. When I started making websites the standard advice was to keep as much of the document generation on the server-side as possible and to practice what is called “unobtrusive” Javascript.

The idea of unobtrusive Javascript has been a paramount item of good front-end design. Namely, that you clearly separate your concerns and avoid reliance on server-side scripts. HTML ought be semantically distinct from style or behavior and we do this by keeping our markup in one file, our style-sheets in another, and our Javascript in a third file. We do not inline our styles nor our Javascript and we try to keep them distinct so that even if the style-sheet or Javascript never loads the unstyled, un-scripted document is still in a usable state.

The earlier concept, simply keeping things separated decouples the reliance of our code on any one element. We can change the markup, the style, or the behavior of our application without necessarily impacting the other two elements.

The latter idea is a concept refereed to as failing gracefully. Namely, it is that we put fall backs into our application such that if the Javascript does not work, the user can still make use of the web application. There’s a lot of ways that we can do something like this:

  • Have an ajax form submit normally if the browser does not support ajax
  • Add form submit buttons that are hidden using Javascript on load.
  • Make sure client-side generated content has some kind of fall-back view that is generated server-side

The list goes on and on, but you begin to get the idea. Vasilis van Gemert has opened a great discussion about arguments against building Javascript based documents and his comments section is ripe with the reasons that unobtrusive Javascript is still very much relevant to the day-to-day development of websites.

Obtrusive Javascript is where you get page behaviors and views that are only accessibly if the client has Javascript support. The result of these websites is that they are completely un-usable without their supporting Javascript files. We can see this on websites that:

  • Only allow a form to be submitted via a Javascript call
  • Links whose destination is dynamically generated with Javascript
  • Views that are created by generating and appending DOM elements client-side rather than server-side

Now, I grant that unobtrusive Javascript can be hard. Sometimes there just isn’t a suitable fallback. Some times you are running late on a project and the fact that it runs fine on 99% of the browsers means it’s time to just shove it out the door and be on your way. However, I do believe it is a good idea to keep the principle of separating concerns and failing gracefully in mind whenever adding client-side behaviors to an application.

State of Affairs for Javascript MVC

I will address in some article my own personal solutions to structuring a Javascript application as well as the challenge of coming up with a solid framework for addressing UX and DOM manipulation without turning into spaghetti code or re-inventing the solution with each website. Yet, it is typically a good idea to go with a community framework in a team environment since it offers a familiar structure between projects and programmers on a team. For this reason, I embarked on working my way through some of the more popular Javascript MVC frameworks to see what they offer and decide which one, if any offers an unobtrusive solution. My concern is that on a cursory look (AngularJS and EmberJS) both seem to scatter Javascript snippets throughout the document and in the latter case invents a whole new template language that it injects into a script tag. Oh dear.

The only Javascript framework that I have come upon that makes any attempt at keeping any kind of unobtrusive fallback seems to be Knockout.js. That said, it is not the sexiest of new frameworks out there.




<p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
<p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
<p>Full name: <strong data-bind="text: fullName"></strong></p>


// This is a simple *viewmodel*
function AppViewModel() {
  this.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");
  this.lastName = ko.observable("Bertington");
  this.fullName = ko.computed( function() {
    return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
  }, this);
  this.capitalizeLastName = function() {
    var currentVal = this.lastName();
    this.lastName( currentVal.toUpperCase() );

// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel()); 

Knockout works by using the data attribute to bind to DOM elements. This means that if the Javascript happens to fail we are still left with your typical document with typical document behaviors. Take the above example clip. If the data-bind attributes are ignored we would still get a form with a first and last name. Indeed, we could even fill that form in server side by assigning value="Bert" and value="Bertington" to the first name and last name inputs.

On top of this, there is something about Knockout that just makes sense. It isn’t as flashy as Angular or Ember. It doesn’t seem to incorporate any new trendy templating systems, massive API libraries, or require us to create half a dozen separate Java script files for controllers, models, and parts of views.

"Wanted: An Unobtrusive Javascript Framework" by Joseph Hallenbeck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.