Joseph Hallenbeck
September 22, 2014

Resources for Learning Rust

Filed under: Software Development

I just started delving into Rust last week with the release of the Rust Guide. In Web Development, I really have moved away from the “bare level” languages of my schooling into the flighty realm of scripting languages. For the most part, I’ve been quite satisfied to leave behind the rigors of memory management and obtuse C linking errors for PHP, JavaScript and Python.

Yet, Rust is the first systems language that really has gotten me excited to sit down and try it out. Maybe get back into the indie game scene (which I have been saying forever).

This post is going to be updated semi-regularly as just a continuing list of Rust resources worth looking into:

Learning the Language



"Resources for Learning Rust" by Joseph Hallenbeck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.