Joseph Hallenbeck
January 01, 2019

2018 Cultural Review

Filed under: Literary Criticism part of Annual Reviews

One sentence micro-reviews of each film, show, book, and game that I watched, read or played over the last year. Each item recieves a letter grade from F (terrible) to A (a must watch/read).


Reserve for items that are so good and re-watchable/readable that they deserve to bought as a physical addition to my library.
This is a re-read or re-watch of a volume in my library.
A multi-episode show, an ongoing comic, or series of books instead of a single contained volume.

Film & Shows (33)

Q1 (5)

Made in Abyss B (S)
The environment and creativity that goes into the ecology of the abyss makes for an interesting show. It’s a pity it abruptly ends.
The Greatest Showman C
An okay film. Entertaining to watch, but not memorable.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi B+
A mess. Like most of the new films, it isn’t bad, it just isn’t great.
Oscars Short Animations 2018 C
A mixture of good and bad as can be expected.
Ready Player One C-
Like most of the 80s era directors, Spielberg has quite lost his touch.

Q2 (4)

The Shape of Water B-
Held off on this, because I had low expectations. But was pleasantly surprised by an interesting inversion of the swamp-thing type film.
Blade Runner 2049 A (B)
The only honest, non-cyncial cash-in on Ford’s career. This is actually a good, stand alone film and a better than good sequel to the original.
Solo B-
Didn’t really need the backstory to Solo, but surprisingly didn’t entirely destroy the character.
March Comes in Like a Lion C (S)
A rather slow slice of life. Probably would enjoy it more if I was in the right mood. Difficult to really watch more than an episode or two at a time.

Q3 (12)

Elysium C
Blockbuster of the big graphics, guns, explosions variety. Entertaining while I watched it.
Arrival C+
I really liked Ted Chiang’s collection of short stories, but they really don’t translate into movie form nearly as well.
Citizen Kane A (R)
Brilliant work by Orsen Welles. A classic that I alone in my household enjoy.
Delirium C
Above average horror film, which puts it at about average for most films.
Synecdochee, New York B+
Film took me by surprise. Synecdochee captures a kind of creative ennui and stuckedness in life that I could relate. The surrealism and direction made for a wonderful film similar to the works of Gondry.
Dark City B+
A neo-noir with Jennifer Connelly set in a bizarre dystopian world. Another film that is worth a watch.
Uresai Yetsura: Beautiful Dreamer A (B)
Never saw any of Uresai Yetsura before this, but it left me itching for more. The film wonderfully captures a kind of adolescent dreamscape and capitalizes on animation’s ability to break rules.
Looper C+
Theirteen Monkeys but with a much more straightforward plot.
Mullohland Falls A- (B)
An excellent entry in the noir genre. It hits all the beats just right with a more modern tempo.
Your Name A-
Beautiful. Gorgeous. I can see why this film raked in so much cash. It has a little bit of everything in it for everyone – science fiction, adventure, romance.
Lost Highway C-
Lynch misses more balls than he hits. There are films like Mulhollland Falls or the original Dune that I love, but so much else is just lost on me.
Let the Right One In B+
Swedish films have this strange way of just being extraordinarily creepy.

Q4 (12)

Cloak and Dagger B+
Strangly don’t remember watching this, but I must’ve liked it.
Evil Dead II B- (R)
The king of the “B” reels. The Evil Dead films still hold up.
No Country for Old Men B- (R)
Great film for the Southwest, and having now lived out here, I can see how it captures both the landscape and the people.
The Sixth Sense C
Finally watched this film, and I can say, it was mediocre.
Number 23 C
Jim Carrey does his best work when he’s not trying to be funny.
Miss Hokusai B-
Great period piece about the life of Hokusai’s daughter who apprenticed and followed him in his work.
American Psycho B+
Perfect film for this era, truly captures the American Dream.
The Resident D
Santa Sangre A-
My introduction to the works of Alejandro Jodorowsky (outside of the Metabarrons that is). Brilliant explosion and truly an expansive attempt to push the medium into new realms. Horrifying all the same.
El Topo A (B)
A stand out in Alejandro Jodorowsky films and perhaps my favorite of the lot. A brilliant splash of style, an exploration of Christian and Eastern thought, wrapped up with a dark plot.
The Usual Suspects B+
Excellent heist film, perhaps the best that I’ve seen in the genre.
Vanilla Sky C
Extremely slow start with an eventual payoff. Debatable on whether it’s worth it.

Books (11)

The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas C
An excellent collection of advise for the professional developer.
Test Driven Development by Kent Beck A (B)
This book really grows on you. It’s like pair programming with a master. Really boring to read. But transformative in how you approach problems.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius A
A great introduction to classical stoic philosophy, but greatly overrated by the Hacker News crowd.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo A (R)
Kondo’s ideas on consumerism and focusing on owning stuff that brings joy is certainly worth a look.
Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein C
Dirty old man’s adventures through time and space. Heinlein is overrated.
The Nine Princess of Amber, The Guns of Avalon, The Signs of the Unicorn,
The Hand of Oberon, The Courts of Chaos, and Trumps of Doom by Roger
Started my way through the Chronicles of Amber series, and I must say that it is a great alternative take on modern fantasy that actually adds to the genre.
Solanin by Inio Asano A (R)
This is my third or forth run through Inio Asano’s Solanin. It has become a rather core entry into my personal philosophy.
Queen Emeraldas by Leiji Matsumoto B+
Great to see more of Leiji Matsumoto’s works make it into English. I’m getting tired of having to read them in French.


Minecraft A
I stayed away as long as I could, but it got me in the end. This game is genius.
Mario Kart 8 A-
Another great entry in the series that maintains the same level of quality as other entries in the series.
Team Fortress 2 A
The last FPS that I still play. Worth checking out since it still maintains a nice casual feel to the servers.
Super Mario Odyssey A-
Probably the best 3D entry since Mario 64. There are some truly great levels in this game, although there are also some truly forgettable levels as well.
Rocket League B
Worth playing if you have some friends to play it with, otherwise a pass. I don’t know how anyone actually controls the cars themselves, it’s utter chaos.
December 22, 2018

Tech Reading List 2019

Filed under: Software Development part of Annual Reviews

test driven development cover


Here’s my 2019 reading list for tech and career focused improvements. Guaranteed to change the minute that I wrote it down. A handful of these are good books that I’ve already read and need to revisit like Domain Driven Design, Implementing Domain Driven Design and The Go Programming Language. Others, have sat on my shelf for a long time unread (Code Complete 2) and are due for a second attempt.

For Improving Legacy Code


Soft Skills



Tech Focus

Last year, I was able to check learning Ansible and Docker off my todo list. I feel rather comfortable with both at this point. Yet, the world of web development ever marches onward. Here is what I would like to focus my attention on getting up to speed on this year:

  • React & Modern Javascript Development
  • Go for Web API Development
  • Godot, Solarus or Amethyst Game Engines (have to dream)
November 23, 2018

Todo.txt Practices

Filed under: Software Development

In 2016, I wrote about switching back to Todo.txt. At the time, I outlined the rough system I was using. In the two year’s since, I’ve refined my Todo list process greatly and wished to share.

The Todo.txt format has a ton of flexibility allowing the user to go wild. Very few articles out there seem to illustrate how individuals use the format for themselves. This leaves a lot of stumbling about to create good practice and habits.

Basic Practices

  • All tasks must have a project and context and only one project and context
  • The main todo list represents tasks to be done this quarter. A seperate tickler list is used for tasks in future quarters.
  • Always keep the main todo list under 120 tasks.
  • To reduce clutter, use “project stubs” as placeholders for upcoming projects. Maintain the project sub-tasks in their own todo lists and import them only once the “stub” reaches priority C.
  • Liberally use the recur plugin for daily and weekly interval tasks
  • Generally avoid using meta-data tags
  • Doubly do not use due dates. Manage appointments and meeting times in a dedicated calendar app. Add upcoming appointments to the main task list during the fortnight review and daily reviews.


Use only priorities A-D, and with each having a particular meaning.

Priority A Tasks I am working on right now, never above three tasks
Priority B Tasks I will do today
Priority C Tasks I will do this fortnight
Priority D Blocked tasks to be priortized A-C when they become unblocked

Everything else is deprioritized, and typically hidden from view.


Projects both represent ongoing epics whose tasks are completed sequently as well as generic “grouping” of similar tasks. A few common projects are listed below.

+chores By taking the unison of the chores project and different context I can create sublists for housework (ls +chores @house), yardwork (ls +chores @yard) or errands (ls +chores @springerville).
+budgeting Dealing with anything related to personal finance
+admin Work related administrative tasks such as filing paperwork, planning meetings, or reviewing tasks
+literature, +games, +films Representing each form of media
+hike Details trails and distances hiked
+menu Identified recipes for this fortnight’s meals
+social Social outings
+wellbeing General medical and meditative tasks
+ops System related tasks


Contexts are used to identify where a tasks will probably be done.

@office Task completed in the home or mobile office, and generally denotes a need for networked computing power, e.g. desktop, laptop, or phone.
@house Task completed at home indoors
@yard Task completed at home in the outdoors
@out Task completed in the outdoors, the wilderness within a half day’s drive
@alpine Task is an errand, completed in the local Alpine community
@springerville, @reserve, @showLow, @phx, @abq Task is an errand, completed in one of the larger neighboring communities

Fortnight Review

Every two weeks, I complete a full review of the main and tickler todo lists.

Clean Up

Evaluate all forms of inboxes: kanban, e-mail, phone, calendar. Add upcoming appointments, tasks to the main todo list.

Clean up dead or dangling tasks that are no longer needed. Then evaluate the list to make sure the existing tasks conform to my practices. Aggressively cull tasks, create “project stubs” and move clutter into seperate files.


Create a variety of views of the main todo list. Evaluate each unprioritized task and determine if I must or should work on that task in the next two weeks and if so bump prioritization to C.


Evaluate all tasks prioritized A-D. Determine if I must complete each task, or if it can wait. Favor trimming the overall list of prioritized tasks to shorter to avoid accidentally overburderning a week.

Nightly Review

Every night at 21:00, a cronjob runs the command faketime -f '+1d' todo recur which appends to the main todo list any daily or weekly recurring tasks.

At this time, I clean out my inboxes noting appointments and meetings for the following day, and then evaluate tasks A-C, determing if they should be culled, deprioritized, bumped to another day (C), or bumped to be worked on tomorrow (B).

Tmux Set Up

I aleays have a “todo” session running in Tmux which when using panes and the watch add on, I can create a window that shows a variety of always up-to-date views of the state of my main todo list.

Commonly, I keep a “today” window for referencing my day’s work and a “planning” window for when I’m planning the next day’s agenda.



The today window displays my todo lists of tasks to be done today. From left to right we have:

Upcoming Tasks (t watch lsp c-d) Displays upcoming tasks in the fortnight and blocked tasks
Today’s Tasks (t watch lsp a-b) Displays my currently active tasks and tasks planned for today
Today’s House Tasks (t watch lsp a-b @house) Tasks to be done around the house
Today’s Office Tasks (t watch lsp a-b @office) Tasks to be done around the office
Today’s Yard Tasks (t watch lsp a-b @yard) Tasks to be done in the yard
Working Pane Pane not running watch for manipulating the todo list



The planning window is used during the nightly review of the todo list. It mirrors the Today list in terms of the Upcoming, Today, and Working panes. However, the context-specific panes are replaced by project-specific panes displaying either the breakdown of specific projects (t watch ls +blog) or for larger projects spread across multiple contexts, the unison of a project and context (t watch ls +chores @project).