Joseph Hallenbeck
July 21, 2010

Summer Update

Filed under: Journal

Amongst caving, hiking, and all that fun under the summer sun, I somehow find time to update this portfolio. A quick update on what’s going on right now:

  • Drifting in the Sea of Nihilism celebrates one month of persistent updates! (consequently, I also celebrate twenty-five years of avoiding death).
  • My short story “Model Crow,” is beginning to make the rounds to magazines. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping someone picks it up.
  • I retooled large sections of the portfolio to reflect my growing push towards graphic design in web and print media. This includes updated resumes, an expansion of my photographic samples, and the inclusion of sketches and additional design samples.
  • At Jewel Cave National Monument, I’m starting to wrap up the first draft of our 2011 newspaper! Its been a good summer, with a very exciting team of talented writers to work beside.
  • Speaking of JECA, my season will come to a close sooner than I expect. September 18 will see me returning to either fulltime writing, or some new job. I’m currently looking for either a winter season position (hopefully with publication related duties) or a fulltime design position somewhere in the north-western quadrant of the U.S.
"Summer Update" by Joseph Hallenbeck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.